
  • 2-3 shoot days, 3 locations
  • Source voice over artist to deliver script. 
  • Cast for specific roles: Mom and child, friends at lunch, etc...
  • We will scout each location and have the luxury of setting up each scenario to look and feel authentic and natural. We will ensure optimal production conditions to capture a polished looking spot. There is an overall cohesion and finish when we are able to control our production conditions that translates into more commercial looking/feeling videos. Beyond gathering the appropriate content, we are able to focus on style when we have time to plan and execute each production. 

Examples representing this budget range


  • One day shoot
  • Record Aroll or voice over in the bank offices with a bank employee. 
  • Use bank employee volunteers to work with us from within the bank. We'll need to identify these folks in advance of the shoot day. We will not be able to film a mother and child. 
  • We'll use locations that are within a short distance from the bank. We can film at 3 locations...maybe a cafe, office and train. We will have to be quick with each location shoot. Conditions may not be optimal, but we will focus on gathering relevant content for the script. 

Examples representing this budget range